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Fully Managed Service

We will handle all the A-Z's of your Advert/campaign and amplify it with the best creators/influencers that matches your niche

Fill out the form below and one of our experts will contact you to get you on board.


Creative Strategy & Direction

We infuse your brand’s core messaging into everything we produce by working alongside the talent to create authentic, story-driven content that lives beyond the campaign. We create key strategy points, geared toward distribution and promotion, optimized for brand recognition and conversion.

Network of Trenders

Years of executing campaigns have helped us shape strong direct relationships with influencers, bloggers, and other creators. We not only ensure the perfect fit - but the perfect relationship.

Reporting & Insights

Results are everything. Our post-campaign reporting suite will reveal which influencers, social channels, types of content, and audiences performed the best.

Innovative technology

We invested years in building the data collection and refinement infrastructure that make up the IGT platform. We are extremely rigid about our accuracy and coverage; This enables us to provide the most comprehensive and accurate solution for all.

Experienced Managers

Talent acquisition and management is key to a successful campaign. We manage the entire contracting and negotiating process - including pricing strategy, legal contracts, compliance, and everything in between from campaign deliverables to final payment.

First-class service

Our network includes influencers across Lifestyle, Beauty, Women's Fashion, Mommy, Food, Health, Menswear, Travel & more!. So we monitor trenders on your team and millions of others everyday so you don't have to.